MIT Administrative Advisory Council II

Roles and Responsibilities


  • Will act as an advisory group to the Provost and Executive Vice President.
  • The Council will meet at least twice a year with the Provost and Executive Vice President or their designees.
  • The Council will meet on a regular (bi-monthly or monthly) basis throughout the academic year.
  • The Assistant Provost for Administration and the Executive Director in the Office of the Executive Vice President will be ex-officio members.
  • Periodic reports of the Council’s activities and recommendations will be sent to the administrative community both to inform and to solicit input.
  • The Council will have a budget to cover meeting expenses, educational materials, and incidentals.


  • The Chair is selected by the existing Chair, Vice Chair and ex-officio members; and approved by the sponsors.
  • The Chair of the Council will be a member from a DLC.
  • The Chair will serve a two-year term (staggered with the Vice Chair).
  • The Chair will serve on ASSC (Administrative Systems Steering Committee) along with the ex-officio members.
  • At the end of their term, the Chair will rotate into ex-officio member status for two years.
  • The meeting agendas will be determined by the Chair and Vice Chair with input from others such as ASSC, Provost, Executive Vice President, Assistant Deans, and other members of the Council.
  • The Chair will distribute the agenda prior to the meeting.
  • Council meetings will be run by the Chair.
  • The Chair will be the point of contact for the community and central offices wishing to meet or provide input with AACII.
  • Council messages to AOs will come jointly from the Chair and the Vice Chair.
  • The Chair and Vice Chair will track action items and provide follow-up with people who meet with AACII.

Vice Chair:

  • The Vice Chair is selected by the existing Chair, Vice Chair and ex-officio members; and approved by the sponsors.
  • The Vice Chair of the Council will be a member from the central administration.
  • The Vice Chair will serve a two-year term (staggered with the Chair).
  • The Vice Chair will assist with administration of the mailman lists (which includes maintaining the list membership, moderating email messages and enforcing list guidelines).
  • The meeting agendas will be determined by the Chair and Vice Chair with input from others such as ASPCC, Provost, Executive Vice President, Assistant Deans, and other members of the Council.
  • Council messages to AOs will come jointly from the Chair and the Vice Chair.
  • The Chair and Vice Chair will track action items and provide follow-up with people who meet with AACII.


  • Future members will be nominated by the Council, the Assistant Deans, the Assistant Provost, the heads of central administration departments. Nominations will also be solicited generally from the MIT community. Final appointments will be made jointly by the Executive Vice President and Provost based upon recommendations from the Council.
  • The Council members will be expected to solicit input from their colleagues actively and explicitly, and convey that input to the Council; in other words, they must represent interests and convey attitudes beyond their own individual positions.
  • Members will proactively seek out administrative needs and proposed changes and bring them to the attention of AACII.
  • Members will prepare reports to the community and to the sponsors, as needed.
  • A member’s term of service will be three years.
  • All members are expected to attend meetings regularly.
  • All members are expected to take meeting minutes on a rotating basis, and send the minutes to the Council prior to the next meeting.
  • Members are expected to participate on sub-groups, if needed.

Ex-Officio Members:

  • The Assistant Provost for Administration, the Executive Director in the Office of the Executive Vice President, and the preceding Chair of AACII will serve as ex-officio members.
  • Preceding Chair of AACII will serve as ex-officio member for two years.
  • The ex-officio members will provide strong connections among the Council, and the Provost, and the Executive Vice President.