How Did Your Area Handle The Return To Campus Last Year? What Did You Learn From The Experience (Good and Bad) And What Resources Could You Use This Fall?
- Harder to get around campus. Many systems involved and things take time to update.
- The process of onboarding new MIT employees takes time i.e. Kerberos set up before getting Covid pass.
- No longer have the ability to unlock department doors. Now, need to schedule and unlock doors through IS&T for faculty access and visitors.
- Authorization period wait time is long. The research application is great, but so much data and it would be helpful to know how to use and organize it for staff.
- Not much help from central HR to find qualified candidates. DLCs need to post and hire candidates themselves.
- OSATT alliance management team is working on putting together onboarding materials for new hires. Draft job descriptions and hire potential candidates.
- Nature of your work determines if you come in-person or work remote.
- Noticed more confusion and lack of visibility for guests for Kerberos set up. Told to go to the Atlas Service Center, then bounced to the Accounts team for help.
- Atlas Service Center staff is struggling to use and understand the new systems. They're working with IS&T (Mark Silis and Marco Gomes) to troubleshoot issues.
- Disconnect from people when trying to get a quick answer for a question. Hybrid get in the way of business needs and process.
- People are more busy. Staff is doing more work and is tired.
- There is a lost of joy coming in the office and being around your colleagues. How do we get the joy back into the workplace? Looking for suggestions.
- Bernadette's team had an employee retreat, which was fun.
- Elizabeth, Provost office is doing a morning breakfast. Have an event to get staff excited about coming to campus.
AACII Meetings To Be In-person, on Zoom, or Hybrid?
- Room 4-105 is set up as a Zoom room and can do hybrid meetings.
- In-person meetings will be 90 minutes.
- October meeting will be in-person. Aim to try to meet in person unless you need to be home i.e. sick.
Topic Suggestions For Upcoming Meetings:
- Recruitment and retention is the topic for the October meeting.
- Mentoring program at MIT.
- Salary, equity and marketplace. Compensation for salary increases and promotions. MIT as an educational institution below, middle or above salary market. (Check with central HR, Compensation team)
- Transparency of data regarding guests at MIT.
- Responsiveness from central offices.
- Onboarding and training of new employees.
- Long wait times for system updates.
- Loss of granular control over door access.