11/16/17 AACII Meeting Minutes 1 OSP Presentation on “Where Is It” report for awards by Shawna Vogel. Michelle
Christy & Pedro Viejo also represented OSP
Currently if you want an update on where a proposal or award is in the OSP process you must contact the appropriate OSP Administrator. This takes up time in OSP and in the DLCs.
OSP is created a dashboard that would provide up-to-date information to PIs, Administrators and Finance staff at key levels in the award lifecycle:
o Review
o Negotiation o Setup
o Hold§ Specific details would be provided on what type of hold, next steps and who is responsible for next steps
o AwardActivation
Feedback from AACII Members:
Question about interaction with new eVerify system: This will be an independent process especially since MIT is requiring it from everyone.
Remember to keep a “Nudge” step in the system: For example, in Award Notification:
o Howgranularwilltheinformationbe?
o WhoistheChampion?
o RemembertoincludethePIandDLCAdministratorinthelooptobesure things move to the next level.
Add a “time stamp” or ability to show last transaction with who and what it
consisted of.
Create a consolidated list for PIs, more details for others.
OSPs target is to eventually make a Database/URL site with ALL OSP resources that would be customizable based on individual login.
AO Breakfast – See Attached overview, sub-committee assignments and task list
Date: January 24, 2018
Topic: Managing Risk with Deborah Fisher playing a key role in setting the agenda. Panel will include perspectives from across campus including Mike Moody, Suzy Nelson (TBD), Lorraine Goffe and John DiFava
Real life scenarios will be presented at tables for review and discussion. These will be based on panelists’ experience about managing risk in each of their areas.
Sub-Committees: Have been set – see attached list.
Feedback from AACII Members:
• Think about who would benefit beyond the AO group. Could be HROs, Finance or even Junior Faculty.
11/16/17 AACII Meeting Minutes 2
Open up to AOs first and then have a 2nd tier of invites based on availability.
Decide optimal head count based on space.
o Lastyearwehad78attendees.Maximumis136ifthebreakfastand networking are held in the gallery.
Have a good description of the event so folks know what to expect.
Think about the flow of report outs – they can take a long time.
o Havetablessubmitquestionstothepanelratherthanreportouts
o Sincemultipletableswillhavethesamescenarios,haveonly1reportoutand others with same scenario add only key topics not mentioned. Pia is working with Debbie to flush out the agenda and flow of the event.
Pia handed out a draft of the holiday card – send comments!!
The card will include a save the date note for the AO breakfast.MIT Medical Operation Hours: A Focus on Urgent Care: Ashley Hague and Richard Brooks – see attached copy of presentation
New leadership of MIT Medical has been taking a fresh look at operations and the patient journey and experience. The specific focus of the presentation was on Urgent Care (UC). Key points:
Hours and services do not match up and can be confusing.
Students represent 58% of patients.
Students use UC as primary care while others use it as UC.
UC is becoming more available in the area – Central Sq., and there is one
planned for Kendall Sq.
Use of UC is extremely low beginning and end of day.
Several pilots (see presentation for details) have taken place and only 1
complaint has been received for no service late at night.
Feedback from ACCII Members:
Being able to use technology is great and getting to be more expected.
Think about renaming UC to something more appropriate – Walk In Clinic.
Do a re-branding: New Name, New Hours, New Services.
Advertising suggestions: Email lists, Postering, Ads in the Tech, connect with
the International Students and International Scholars offices.
Be sure mental health services are available.
Think about Partners/Collaborators in providing services
No changes will occur before next summer.