MIT Administrative Advisory Council II

Minutes March 15, 2018

AACII Meeting Notes Thursday, March 15, 2018 Note Taker: Lisa Breede

2pm – 3pm: Our Vision and Direction: Office of the Executive Vice President & Treasurer, Tolga
Durak, Managing Director, EHS

Overview of organization of management system and connections for EHS Areas.
•          Stakeholders, both internal and external (research, administrations international, etc.)
•          Supports maker spaces, Engine, Sparc, AFOAA
•          Managing compliance
•          Working on strategic priorities: brand revitalization, build capacity for agility,
business process management
o EHS brand -­‐ make more customer centric and inform what they stand for, fleshing out brand,
communications (marketing) and subsequent engagement (social media, web site, etc.) for example,
Stanford EHS web site end user centric
o What is a dashboard of measures and metrics, each group examining actionable data. For example,
training compliance, what does the data mean, should it be tied to inspection results, etc.
o Talent management; roles divided, new roles (safety), five openings, lost six staff to local

•    Emerging issues
o UAV-­‐ Endicott House, Haystack
o Revitalize some programs

•   Lab lifecycle: start, run, decommission

•   Program evaluation and gap analysis/opportunity review
o This revealed five program needs: electrical, confined spaces, lock out/tag out, training, field
•    Faculty partnership with Prof. Sibley, two PhD students supported by EHS to study EHS and
Media Lab to develop best practice for lab start up and inventory managment

•    Pilot projects:
o Onsite systems, for example, excess of chemicals on campus disposed
o Increase/expand social media
o Form a trained makerspace support group
o Develop and publish initiatives


o Utilize pilot projects
o Quickbase for accidents, July 2017

⁃   Communication of EHS dealing with EHS issues. Works closely with EMS. Culture of individual
versus process needs change. Examining each emergency type, understanding who and how -­‐ review.
Create a plan and implement.
⁃   Should AO be included in the institute committees?
⁃   Feedback about website: lower level details disappearing.
⁃   Partner with Sanjay Sharma to develop information for rebroadcast, find ways to present EHS
⁃   New faculty needs for renovation; is there a lag in communication between facilities and EHS?
Wants to engage with faculty early regarding needs to enable a way to make   needs happen. 2017
part of faculty orientation. EHS member in every meeting for construction.
⁃   Decommissioning of a lab: needs a guide

3pm – 3:30pm: Looking for your feedback: MIT Parking Office New Website: Elizabeth McManus, Project
Manager, Information Systems & Technology, and Parking and Transportation Office, Tom Giannino,
Manager, Parking and Transportation

The Parking and Transportation Office is undertaking a major project to make the parking permit
experience easier and more user friendly.

Most importantly, the AIMS parking interface, which many people have had trouble using, is being
significantly improved. IS&T is creating a new website. It will be available through Atlas and the
user will not have to reauthenticate once reaching the new site.

They simplified the list of many different permit types so that when user logs in, only the permit
types applicable to that user will show. There will be a Dashboard for existing permit holders with
all pertinent information easily available and readable.

There will be no parking stickers. License plate readers will replace them. So the muss and fuss of
parking stickers will go away, but if you bring your primary car, you won’t be able to bring your
secondary car the same day because the license plate reader will detect both cars.
For new employees, a major difference will be that the key information is the work location. That
will enable Parking Office to match permits as close to the work location as possible, as long as
there are spots. If the employee has more than one location, they will all show and the primary one
can be selected.

The role of the Parking Coordinator will change. IS&T completely redid the AIMS portal for
Coordinators to create a Dashboard to make a more efficient experience. All the responsibilities of
chasing down people to renew goes away. The system is now all self-­‐serve, and the Parking


Coordinators are basically there to answer questions and get special passes such as scratch passes.

All the gated lots will become occasional. This is to encourage people not to drive, because they
will now only pay for the days that they drive in rather than a full year fee. For people on leave,
they will look at options for suspension rather than cancellation based on the feedback from AACII
at this meeting.