MIT Administrative Advisory Council II

Minutes January 18, 2018

AACII Meeting Notes January 18, 2018

MIT Compensation Initiative:

Kelley Connors, Director, Compensation, Lorraine Goffe, Vice President for Human Resources, Chuck Pizzano, Senior Business Systems Analyst

Goals of the project:

  • To be at market in order to recruit new talent and retain the talent we have.
  • Increase transparency with consistent job descriptions housed in a place where they can be easily found and used.
  • Consistent, current job titles.


Implemented and developed a foundation so managers are better able to attract, reward, develop and retain staff. Multi-year project. Goal is to go live August 2018.


Payroll categories in scope – support, administrative, SRS administrative. Note that SRS technical jobs not in scope in this phase of the project though it’s well known that it’s needed for these jobs too.


It should be simple to compare roles across the Institute but with the great variety of titles now in use, it’s difficult to do. And the pay structure hasn’t kept up with the times (for example, quite a few support staff salaries are above level 6). The project aimed to modernize the structure to allow for flexibility, a greater number of ranges based on local market, and simplify it with one structure for all, rather than one for admin and one for support staff.


Other drivers were compliance with Fair Labor Standards Act as well as the incoming Massachusetts Pay Equity Act (eliminates disparities between men and women doing the same jobs).


Project has an advisory group with 25 members from across MIT with representation from administrative, SRS administrative, support staff and Lincoln Lab staff (LL uses the on-campus support pay structure.)


Developed a pay philosophy and guidelines at the beginning and have gone back to revise as the project has gone on.


Produced a job catalog – the online tool that houses job descriptions. Grouped by Family (big buckets like academic services, administration, finance, etc.), then Sub-family (some families like finance are huge and need further categorization), and Track (support, individual contributor, manager). 675 job descriptions are in the catalogue that capture the core of the job. However, these JDs can then be made specific for the position description in your particular DLC. Still will have the ability to have flexibility on the position title within your particular DLC.


In the last year the big project has been benchmarking of market salaries, which formed the basis of the new salary structure. Trying to balance the market and MIT (e.g., sometimes the market hasn’t been as aggressive in certain jobs as MIT has been). The new structure is close to complete.


Job titles vs position titles. Most people don’t see job titles; they are for central HR use. Position titles are not within the scope of this project but if you want you can take the opportunity to change them to better align with the job. Roman numerals and “Senior” are not going to be used any more.


Demo of Job catalogue – web based. Live now. Can copy and paste your DLC’s position descriptions into the catalogue. There’s no straightforward mechanism for automatically inputting them because DLCs have so many different formats.


Each job description has 2 sections – Job Duties & Responsibilities and Work Dimensions. Work dimensions are attributes that help classify the job into the right level. Not all jobs have all work dimensions. Competencies are not included in JDs. That is included in the Professional Development and Review (PDR) system.


Each existing employee’s job has been mapped into the new system. No attempt to align to current pay grades. Looked at the descriptions to map them appropriately. They will be asking the DLCs to validate the mapping and pay grades they’ve selected over the next few months. Can be done right in the catalogue or exported to a spreadsheet. Expect a lot of discussion between DLCs and Comp office.


Will be communicating with all employees but haven’t gotten to the point yet of drafting that. Beginning to meet with the DLCs to give this presentation. Have met with SoE, SA+P, to meet with others soon. Drafted a set of policies and procedures and are getting input from the 25-member advisory group.



ePR (electronic professional record) Dashboard for Faculty:

Lydia Snover, Director of Institutional Research and Sonia Liou, Assistant Director, Institutional Research


Goal is to provide a mechanism for collecting data on professional activities in order to reduce redundant data entry. Created initially by Ian Waitz when Dean of SoE, in order to make the faculty tenure and promotion system easier. Faculty record as used for Promo and Tenure process was the basis for the type of data collected.


Collects data from central systems, non-central systems and external systems. The data collected is shown on the presentation and the handout. One can create reports through an API (Application Programming Interface). The data available to pull is limited at this point until the system is fully released. It has been released to some departments and will be moving it out slowly based on interest of the department heads.


Publicly available data on publications, etc. is pulled from an external company called Academic Analytics. They have also coordinated with ILP on the faculty data that they store. Right now, it’s built for faculty, but if you have other ranks of researchers and you want the data for them pulled from Academic Analytics and input, let Institutional Research know. You can also record data yourself. Apply for access through IS&T.


They are willing to come to DLCs to talk about this and encourage faculty to enter additional information about themselves.



Brief updates regarding the upcoming AO Networking Breakfast


72 are registered so far. Another reminder is going out today. Pre-Registration will close on Friday.


Case studies to be finalized in next few days with input from the panelists. If you have additional feedback please email Pia.


All AACII members should get there by 8:30. Every AACII member is assigned to a table, which is on the name badge. Panelists are coming at 9:00. Israel Ruiz to give welcome. AACII members are to facilitate table discussions and take notes on note cards (which will be on the tables) and volunteer to report out. Roving Microphone will be available and will be given to the AACII member to report out, unless someone else at your table specifically wants to re