MIT Administrative Advisory Council II

Minutes December 7, 2018

AACII Meeting Notes

Thursday, December 7, 2017, 3pm in Room 4-105

1.         AO Breakfast Planning Updates


a.         3:00 – 3:15pm: Report out from Logistics Subcommittee


Cindy – Waiting on invitation and invitee list. C-vent registration system will take care of everything including name badges and table assignments.

Other logistics (caterer, set-ups) taken care of by Koch events team.

Last year we set attendance at 100 and 78 attended. Cap it at 100 again this year and can use the same room layout.

Koch will do name tents for presenters.


Presentation supplies:

Debby Fisher will have Slides. Pia doesn’t think the other presenters have A/V needs. Have waters and mikes at the panel table. Also have flip charts for each table. Everyone please look to see if you have extra flip chart paper in your area because these pads can be expensive and then they end up laying around partially used. Let Cindy Quense know if you can provide some.

Should we record it the event? Pia to get speaker permission. How to get permission from attendees asking questions?


b.         3:15 – 3:30 pm: Report out from the Marketing Subcommittee


Andreea – We have the invitation. Pia handed it out. Debby liked it and it looks great. The Koch reg system will send it out.

Pia – The Risk Office is going through a branding process to make “Risk” seem less threatening and show that MIT has it under control, and the invite reflects that approach.

The list from Julie Lindley (AdminConnect) includes A/Os. The general A/O list that is overseen by AACII includes others as well. Andreea and Robin will work to combine the lists to get the best coverage.

RSVP is January 12.

A few items were added including that it’s sponsored/hosted by AACII and that the time is 8 to 11 in order to get people to come early to network.


For the feedback survey, there are a set of standard questions that are used each year. We will also involve Debby in creating questions specifically related to this event.

We should ask if people think this topic should be presented again in another venue.




 (Debby Fisher, Institute Risk Officer, joined us at 3:30pm.)


c.         3:30 – 3:55pm: report out from the Agenda Subcommittee


Pia circulated Tentative Agenda.


Debby will come up with the list of questions for the panelists. A different question for each, and then the same question for all of them.


Try to carve out 15 minutes for Q&A at end of panel.


Table Discussions – Each will get basically the same question, “As a manager, what would you do if you came across X who was behaving in Y way? [For 2 tables student is X is Y geared for them; For 2 tables staff is X is Y geared for them; For 2 tables faculty is X is Y geared for them.]

Let Pia or the group (aacii@mit.edu) know if you have ideas for what “Y” is.


Deb to also go back and think about some possible scenarios as a way to structure the questions.


Assign the panelists to tables that are appropriate for them but AACII members moderate each table.