1997-98 Administrative Forum Series
September 17, Education and Philanthropy: The Vision and the Opportunity
What do you get when you cross a residential college with an urban research university? What happens when sci-tech education goes global and stays at home? What happens when "what's possible" ignites the passions of those alumni and friends who can help it become "what's probable"? Rosalind Williams, Dean of Students and Undergraduate Education, spoke about her vision for an MIT education and the role of higher education in improving the human condition in the 21st century. Barbara G. Stowe, Vice President for Resource Development, described the role private support played in sustaining MIT's excellence.
October 9, MIT: Bricks and Mortar: Getting Ready to Start a New Century
Planning issues on an urban campus are complex and fascinating. Members of the MIT Planning office presented information on the historical background of planning at MIT; current planning; results of some recent campus surveys; major new capital projects; and how changing Cambridge transportation (and other) policies affect MIT. Presenters included O. Roberta Simha (Director of Planning), Lydia Snover (Sr. Planning Officer for Institutional Research), Robert Kaynor (Associated Director of Planning) and Michael Owu (Associate Planning Officer).
November 13 , Taking Charge of Your MIT Career
This forum was planned by members of the AAC, the Human Resources Practices Development (HRPD) Team and the Performance Consulting and Training Team. The opening session addressed trends in the workplace and was followed by two sets of two simultaneous panels: "Working in New Ways: How Can You Create Flexibility in the Workplace?", "Taking Risks at MIT: What are the Trade-offs?", "Coming In From the Outside: What's It Like Out There", and "A Lifetime at the Institute: Will This Be Possible in the Future?"
February 12, Keeping the Edge: What's Hot at MIT?
Everyone knows that research is a key component of MIT's mission — but what is "research"? How is research different in different parts of the Institute? Just what is going on in the various Schools? What's happening in the labs and labyrinths at MIT? These questions (and more) were answered in a panel presentation by MIT's Deans and Vice President for Research.
April 2, Just Around the Corner… MIT in the New Century
The annual "state of the Institute" presentation by senior Institute administration focused on their ideas for MIT in the year 2008. Presentations by President Charles Vest, Provost Joel Moses, Vice President for Finance and Treasurer Glen Strehle and Senior Vice President William R. Dickson addressed the Institute's present and future goals. Mr. Dickson gave a particularly fascinating presentation about the Institute's history as seen through the construction and development of MIT's campus.
May 14, The Administrator's Fine Line
This workshop was an interactive session where participants analyzed a series of case studies developed to illustrate the "Fine Line" we walk each day. Cases addressed issues on employee disabilities, handling student privacy, and divided loyalties in our multi-faceted roles. Commentary was provided by Ronald C. Fleming, Director, Institute Personal Assistance Program; Robert J. Lewis, Director of Personnel for Employee Relations; Mary P. Rowe, Ombudsperson, Special Assistant to the President; and Helen W. Samuels, Special Assistant to the Associate Provost. The Moderator and Workshop Facilitator was Alyce Johnson, HRPD and Personnel Officer
For more information on the AAC Administrative Forum Series, contact Robin Elices at relices@mit.edu