1996-97 Administrative Forum Series
October 3, Reengineering: The Effects of Change
Reengineering has entered its early phases of implementation and many of us have been directly affected in some form or fashion. So, where are we now? What are the expected results of this effort? How do we bridge the gap between past and future? Is our goal in sight?
Professor James D. Bruce and members of the reengineering teams presented updates on topics such as: Management Reporting and Financial Operations (SAP Release 1 and Release 2); Student Services (Current and evolving electronic processes, new Student Services Center) and Human Resource Practices Design.
November 5, Negotiation 101
How do you survive in a world of conflict? How can you resolve conflict at work and at home? What is your personal negotiation style? What do your peers and significant others think about it?
Dr. Mary P. Rowe, MIT Ombudsperson, led a condensed version of her popular Sloan School class. This special AAC class on negotiation and conflict resolution was tailored for MIT administrators. The presentation included: Determining your style of conflict resolution; sources of power you can use in the workplace/home; negotiating with difficult people; negotiating with yourself; and what¹s needed for success on a team?
January 9, 1997 Understanding the Rules: Union Practices at MIT
The staff who are represented by the various unions on campus are governed by certain policies which differ from policies for non-union staff. It is important for us as administrators to understand the boundaries and differences between non-union an union personnel and act accordingly. This forum was presented by Bob Lewis, Director of Personnel for Employee Relations, David Achenbach, manager of Labor Relations, and Lianne Shields, Personnel Officer. Their presentations included an overview of the current unions at MIT and the practices involving hiring, seniority, grievance procedures, and bumping.
February 6, 1997 MIT: A Global View, 1997 and Beyond
MIT is a changing institution in the midst of a changing world. How do things look for MIT as we begin the new year? What are the challenges and opportunities that we face? What will MIT look like in five years? The Administrative Advisory Committee?s annual ?State of the Institute? forum included the following presentations:
- Charles Vest (President): ?The Changing Environment for Research Universities?
- Professor Joel Moses (Provost): ?Responding to the Changing Environment?
- Mr. Glenn Strehle (Vice President for Finance and Treasurer): ?MIT?s Financial Condition: Where are We, Where are We Going??
- Mr. William Dickson (Senior Vice-President): ?Reengineering Update?
March 6, 1997 The RSI Epidemic: What Every Administrator Should Know
Repetitive Stress Injuries are increasing at a dramatic rate. The March forum presented information on the following topics: What is RSI? How can you prevent it? What can you do if you or your employee have RSI? What adaptive equipment is available to help? What are the related Workmen?s Compensation and disability issues?
Presenters included Kathy Cahill, ATIC (Adaptive Technology for Information and Computing) Lab; David Diamond, M.D. MIT Medical; Lou Diberadinis, MIT Industrial Hygiene Office; Susan Pritchard, MIT Safety Office; Barbara Roberts, MIT Disability Services Office; and Mary Ziegler, MIT Information System, personal experience with RSI.
April 24, 1997 How Arbitrators Think: Arbitration Case Studies
A follow-up to the January forum, ?Understanding the Rules…,? the special April forum provided a workshop opportunity to work through the case studies that had been prepared for the January session.
June 20, 1997 Dealing with Difficult People
Dr. Mary P. Rowe, MIT Ombudsperson, led a small workshop/discussion discussing how administrators can deal with ?difficult people? in the workplace. Particularly useful was the discussion identifying what makes people ?difficult? and when ?difficult people? are not difficult.
For more information on the AAC Administrative Forum Series, contact Judith Stein at jstein@mit.edu