MIT Administrative Advisory Council II

Charter of AACII


MIT needs to enhance communications and working relationships between central administrative office and administrators in the departments, laboratories, and centers (DLCs).

There is insufficient understanding among central administrators of how business is done in the DLCs; administrators in DLCs often don’t understand why central offices propose change. New administrative processes and systems have too often been developed and implemented without sufficient input and representation from end users. We seek to redress this imbalance and to open broader-based and more intensive communication among the administrators of the campus.

Goals and Purposes

  • To establish a forum for thoughtful, sustained interaction among representatives of central administration and DLC administrators, leading to mutual understanding of and mutual respect for their respective roles in providing the faculty, students, and staff of MIT with efficient, cost-effective administrative services.
  • To provide a formal and effective mechanism by which central administrative offices that are contemplating change can obtain meaningful, timely input from DLCs.
  • To identify administrative processes or systems that place undue stress and workload on administrators across the Institute, and to recommend steps for alleviating those situations. If there are budgetary implications to the recommendations, Executive Vice President and Provost will review Council proposals to deploy new, School-wide resources as part of the annual budget cycle.
  • To serve as a conduit for information exchange among the Administrative Systems and Policies Coordinating Council (ASPCC), the DLC administrative community, and administrators in central roles.