Dan Delgado
Nicole Degnan
Kathy McGrath
Gabe Campos
Mary Ellen Sinkus
Ekaterina Trizkova
Robin Elices
Bernadette Vallely
Prudence Robinson
John Congdon
Michael Leskiw
Rich Lay
Olympia Valentine
Jack Defandorf
Magdalena Rieb
Stacy DeBartolo
AACII Networking Breakfast Planning
- Magdalena met with Ronnie Haas.
- Ronnie will present about recruitment and retention.
- Ronnie can suggest a speaker for wellness if we want to include it as a topic.
- Suggested speaker for wellness is Susanna (Zan) Barry, Manager, Community Wellness Programs at MIT Medical.
- Jack will email Susanna (Zan) Barry and ask her to be the fourth speaker for wellness topic: “How do we manage our communities? What can managers do to support DLCs from the wellness perspective?"
- The next step is to schedule a meeting for the full panel line-up, including Gabe (moderator). Magdalena will schedule the meeting either on Monday 4/24 or Tuesday 4/15.
- Discussed panel and breakout sessions timeline.
- Gabe Campos will be the moderator. His introduction will about 10 minutes.
- Presentations and Q&A about 1 hour.
- Breakout sessions in person and on Zoom about 30 minutes.
- Discussion report outs for key ideas about 20 minutes.
- End event
- Gabe as moderator will need the following items:
- agenda
- link to event survey
- instructions for table discussion for participants at tables and on Zoom
- table topic questions
- bios of speakers
- speaker's slides
- Gabe and AV person will coordinate the final slide deck
- Sequence of presenters:
- Ronnie – Retention and Recruitment
- Magdalena – Staff Management in Hybrid Environment in DLCs
- Mary Ellen Royer and Steve Newman will co-present – Physical Spaces
- Zan Barry – Wellness
- Rather than assign attendees to the table, we put questions to each table.
- Attendees draw numbers and are assigned to their table based on the drawn numbers.
- Stacy will provide 11 stands for table numbers.
- Assign no more than 8 people to the table, including notetaker.
- We need to have an AACII member at each table with a laptop.
- We don’t assign AACII members as notetakers in Zoom breakout rooms.
- We need an AV person specifically assigned to coordinate Zoom.
- We'll have a registration table in the hallway with stick-on nametags.
- Need to do a walkthrough of Samberg space dining rooms 5&6.
- As for food option, we'll do a hot breakfast with a la carte option for people with dietary restrictions.
Upcoming AACII Meetings
- May 18th meeting we'll debrief about the networking breakfast event.
- Review nominations since there are 3 members with term expiring in 2023, which are: Nicole Degnan, Bernadette Vallely and Magdalena Rieb.
- Jack will send an email for call for nominations.
- June 8th meeting is the year-end Luncheon for current and new AACII members.