Minutes November 5, 2015

AACII Meeting Notes 11/5/15, 1-214



  • Richard, Lisa, Su, Kimberly, Doreen, Christine, Robin, Robin, Steve, Sucharita, Lynn, Tara, Sherene, Chris. Guests: Susan Leite, Glenn Shor, Gerry O'Toole, Leslie Wright


Chair Announcements:

•We need to consider ideas for the AO Breakfast

◦Do we want to do it?

◦What topics to consider?

◦Richard will poll AACII members on ideas and formats



Susan Leite - EHS Officer: Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP)

◦See slides presented

◦Review of Emergency Planning Plans and planning process presented

◦Defined how MIT defines emergency - sudden and unexpected event deviating from regular activities that requires immediate action

◦Provided examples of emergencies 

◦Reviewed Incident Response Priority

◦Preparedness is everyone's responsibility

◦Reviewed what an Emergency Preparedness Plan is - required by OSHA

▪Broader than just fire protection, floods, etc.

▪Prescribes processes and practices to protect people and property in face of emergency situations. 

◦Includes egress maps an a program that:

▪Enhances communications

▪Standardizes common information

▪Defines appropriate responses and when to act on each

▪Enables efficient service from Institute emergency personnel 

▪Establishes a process of continual improvement

▪Includes proactive measures

◦Current focus on Modernizing MIT's EPP Framework

▪Emphasizing backups and robustness through redundancy

▪Emphasizing improved communications during emergencies

▪Learn more at EHS website for EPP, EHS Management Systems

▪Focus on Multi-Hazard EPP Framework

◦Review of 11 hazard emergency scenarios

◦Anatomy of an EPP reviewed

▪Governance and management structures

▪Emergency Preparedness Coordinators in DLCs

▪Evacuation Warden in DLCs


▪Ignition Sources and Fire Protection

▪Review of Emergency Evacuation Plans

▪Review of evacuation of physically or mobility challenged

▪Review of shelter-in-place vs. defensive action orders

▪Personal awareness and behavior is critical 

▪More information available on Atlas and EHS sites

▪Posters are available that outline EPP resources

▪Medical resources available

▪Important EPP sessions and calendar dates reviewed

▪Holding boot camps around campus to train community in EPP

◦Reviewed a future vision and direction for the EPP program


▪Where can an EP Coordinator go to get information? EHS website, Atlas, posters available, phone app, communities of practice 

▪EHS should consider providing template information for EPP on DLC websites

▪Is being considered

▪What number of EPCs is right for larger DLCs?

▪Check in with an EHS staffer for specific discussions

▪Messages during a recent alert about an active shooter were not clear or consistent. What should people have in their tool kit to be ready to deploy in emergency? Learn your spaces and what you need to do. Engage in multiple, on-going conversations

▪EPP Plans are due to EHS November 30th. 


Olu  Brown, IS&T: Salary Distribution Dashboard

◦Data scientist, data systems for campus 

◦Eamon Kearns working on new systems 

◦Glenn Shor, Gerry O'Toole, Leslie Wright attending as guests

◦SANDI Overview

▪Grew out of AACII AO networking breakfast interest in revisiting SANDI

▪Goal: recreate the legacy SANDI report and develop visualization

▪Months end salary distribution report for budget planning purposes

▪In progress as prototype 

▪Differences between legacy and new version reviewed

◦Will release SANDI prototype for community feedback

◦Will collect feedback and incorporate for second version

◦Will develop dashboards for quick views of trends


◦Questions on specific features explored. 

◦The development team will come back to AACII for update when ready.


Meeting Adjourned