Minutes February 23, 2017

AACII Meeting

Thursday, February 23, 2017 2:00 to 4:00 PM

Room 1-214 


Graduate Appointment Portal (GAP)

Sandeep Nadendla


Web Grad Aid has existed for 10+ years and the required features have outgrown the system. In addition, Web Grad Aid doesn't integrate with other systems such as MITSIS and Payroll, requiring re-keyboarding of a massive amount of data.


The upgrade team took into account not only feedback from users over the years, but also created a user group that provided feedback at every step along the way. They looked at the entire business process from beginning to end and simplified the architecture and usability of the system.


GAP integrates with Student Financial Services, Payroll, HR, and SAP. Unlike Web Grad Aid, as rules change in these related systems, GAP can be changed to reflect those rules. In addition, all systems simultaneously reflect updated data.


Please refer to Slide #5. This lists the pain points in the old system, which were fixed and became the features of the new system.


System Features:

·      Integration:  GAP is integrated with Banner and SAP real-time.

·      Weekly Status Report:  A weekly e-mail will be sent with how many actions were approved and rejected with a listing of action items that need to be addressed.

·      Cost Object Validation:  An error message will be displayed for invalid or expired cost objects.

·      Audit Trail Change Log:  Documents the user and what was changed including the previous value(s) and the new value(s).

·      Copy Function: For users who create similar appointments.  (Bulk uploads has been a requested feature, but is involved).  Copy Function should help.

·      E-mail to Student: Can add specific comments to the student; internal comments are not visible to the student.  No data related to the student is in the message.  E-mail is generated for the creation, change or deletion of records.

·      Attachments: Up to 5MB

·      Approver Inbox: Appointments will not be active until approved.

·      Save As Draft: Allows the user to save their work without submitting.

·      Reports: Include Award out of Balance.  The Data Warehouse schema will not be changing.

·      Post Go-Live Support:  ODGE and IS&T will handle support.  Request support via e-mail:  gap-support@mit.edu­

·      Data Cutover: The migration of data will be begin on March 17th.  2010 to present will be migrated over.  Web Grad Aid will be available for previous years.  Authorizations will be changed to display only.

·      Access:  There will be a link on Atlas.

·      Authorizations:  To request GAP authorizations, send e-mail to gap-support@mit.edu

·      System of Record:  SAP is the system of record.



A/O Network Breakfast

Agenda Subcommittee: The committee met with Ronnie Haas, who is in a new roles as director of Strategic Talent Management in central HR. They had been thinking about doing some training on STM issues including Unconscious Bias, so they will use the A/O Breakfast as a pilot for some of their ideas.


There will be another meeting with HR Partners to finalize the agenda, and that will be shown to the HR team of presenters before being published.


Logistics Subcommittee: Space details, registration system, catering, name tags, registration staffing at the event, A/V are all covered. The Koch Center's events team is providing a huge amount of support. The Koch events registration system will also handle table assignments based on the RSVPs, as well as ensuring that there is an AACII Rep or HR rep at each table.


Marketing Subcommittee: Amberly will check the A/O list against Julie Lindley's Admin Connect list to be sure all names on both lists receive the invitation.


March 3 - The Save-the-Date will go to that entire compiled list.

March 15 - Text of the invitation will go to HR for approval.

March 27 - Final text and logo to Koch events team to send.

April 3 - Invitation sent. RSVP date is April 10.

April 20 - Reminder about the event only to those who RSVP'ed yes.